Here are our top 3 email related security tips

Cyber criminals are always looking for new ways to get access to your personal information. That’s how they earn money after all.  They can use your email to access many of your personal accounts, leaving you vulnerable to identity theft. This means that it is really important to protect your email accounts.

1. Use a strong, separate password for your email

Cyber criminals can use your email to access many of your personal accounts and find out vital personal information, such as your bank details, address or date of birth.

Having a strong, separate password for your email means that if cyber criminals steal the password for one of your less important accounts, they can’t use it to access your email account.

2. Where available use two-factor authentication on your email account

Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security, as it means your account can only be accessed on a device that you have already registered

When you first log-in with a new device you are asked to complete a second step after entering your password, such as providing your fingerprint or entering a unique code which has been sent to your phone.

3. Be smart about spam emails

Most email providers include some kind of spam feature which react to how you respond to spam. You can flag emails as spam/ block email addresses but cyber criminals will continue to find ways to slip through.  

Your best line of defence against spam email is YOU. So try to be vigilant about the email you are reading and reacting to.  We came up with Get Spam? Think SMART! to try and help you identify spam.  

Start reporting cyber crime and phishing attempts

Did you know that you can now report cyber crime and phishing attempts to the police?

Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime. This includes phishing emails which try to get hold of your personal information.

Find out more

To find out how we can help set up two factor authentication, or any other security features for your business just get in touch.

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Email Security Tips